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on Value Chain Management Meet the Challenge The first Executive Course in Healthcare Internationalization


The steady growth in health demand and the increase in cross-border flows are an opportunity for hospitals to enter new markets, with benefits in terms of revenues, reputation and cooperation. However, for healthcare facilities, internationalizing their business has a deep influence on the entire value chain, involving organizational, logistic, marketing and, ultimately, the managerial and strategic vision of business development.

This executive course offers a strategic and complete overview of all aspects involved in the internationalization of hospital activities, observing them from both perspectives: bring foreign patients to hospitals (Medical Travel) or bring hospitals to patients abroad.

The course focuses on the different business models of Healthcare Internationalization (M&As, medical and scientific collaborations, affiliations, agreements with governments, medical travel, etc.), surveying managerial and organizational aspects (such as the construction of an International Patient Office), administrative (such as pricing policies or fiscal aspects), market, marketing and communication (how to effectively promote hospital services on international markets), cultural, logistic and legal.


The course is designed for decision-makers in hospitals or other health care providers: general managers, medical directors, chief doctors, administrative directors


Speakers are among the best experts in the field: managers of leading international hospital centers will bring direct testimonials; academics from universities such as the Politecnico of Milan, will bring the systematic vision; international professionals, some of whom also university professors, belonging to Acesis and its network will contribute direct experience on case studies; managers and professionals from other sectors will bring different visions and approaches to stimulate innovation.


The course features an innovative format based on a mix of lectures, round tables for discussion between lecturers, international guests and participants, classroom exercises, business workshops to meet with buyers. Each day includes a networking dinner between participants and speakers (optional and not included in the fee) for a more informal get together and to build business opportunities.


The course will take place in Milan and is based on three modules of two days each (Friday and Saturday).


  •  Global trends in International Healthcare
  • Different approaches and business models in Internationalization
  • Key markets: demand and supply analysis. Development opportunities
  • How to become a Medical Travel destination
  • Stakeholders and how to influence them


  • Build and manage international programs
  • The value chain for internationalization
  • Manage the Patient Journey before, during and after treatment
  • Business models for internationalization: from Medical Tourism to Joint Ventures
  • The four dimensions of Hospital readiness for internationalization


  •  Changing habits and consumerization of Healthcare
  • The role of digital in attracting and managing patients
  • Lead Generation: building the Communication Ecosystem to manage the Patient Journey
  • Meet the Hospitals: round table with international hospitals and destinations
  • Liabilities, taxation and communication legislation: managing the complexity of internationalization


The course will take place in Milan on three modules of two days each (Friday and Saturday) on dates that will be announced shortly.

The participation fee is € 3,350 per participant (VAT excluded).

A 10% discount is available for participants belonging to the same organization, starting from the second, and for members AIOP and Assolombarda. Discounts cannot be cumulated.

The payment of € 4,087 (full fee, VAT included) or € 3,678.30 (discounted fee, VAT included) can be made with PayPal, using the box on the side, or by bank transfer to Acesis srl, causal “Executive Course Participation “, IBAN IT84E0100501615000000003162.

The course will be run in Italian and English. There is no simultaneous  translation. In case of foreign participants, the course will be held in English.

The course has a minimum number of 25 participants.

Executive Course “Healthcare Internationalization”
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