A constantly growing trend of patients moving from their home place to seek for better, more affordable or more readily available medical care.
The quest for medical care is usually clustered in 4 areas:
Hospital groups are increasingly becoming multinational operations through acquisitions, joint ventures or expansion.
The need for health in developing countries is increasingly met by the expansion of hospital groups of more developed countries which, in turn, face the challenge of healthcare systems increasingly less dependent on State funding.
Expanding the reach towards new patients is the solution to open new markets; provide more people with access to healthcare; expand through agreements with governments and insurances and through out of pocket access; capitalize on knowledge and investments.
Align the Digital Ecosystem for Lead generation; develop Digital Marketing campaigns to attract patients; develop locally based customer care to assist patients with information and logistics; develop CRM to profile and fidelize leads and patients.
Define market potential; develop a unique positioning and branding strategy; define patient Personas; optimize medical offer, service and pricing levels according to markets; align and optimize Digital Marketing campaigns.
Develop relations with facilitators and doctors; strengthen awareness and reputation on key markets; develop joint ventures or agreements with foreign hospital to generate patients; benchmark marketing and management strategies.
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